
Event Details

Using the Web Service Offerings Language and Infrastructure (WSOL/WSOI) for Management of XML Web Services

Presenter: Dr. Vladimir Tosic - NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario

Date: Wed, March 9, 2005
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



An XML (Extensible Markup Language) Web Service is a distributed component of software and/or hardware functionality that can be described, discovered, and accessed over a network using XMLbased standards. The presented research addresses several Web Service management-related issues that have not been studied previously.

To perform management activities, it is necessary to comprehensively describe service and quality of service (QoS). I developed the Web Service Offerings Language (WSOL) for formal specification of various categories of constraints (functional, QoS, access rights, context), management statements (prices, penalties, management responsibilities, instructions for handling disconnection), and service offerings (i.e., classes of service) for Web Services. WSOL also defines a format for the representation of dynamic relationships between service offerings. The latest WSOL version 1.4 adds support for management activities (particularly, context-sensitivity and disconnection handling) characteristic for Web Services executing in mobile and/or embedded environments.

In addition, I designed management infrastructure software, called the Web Service Offerings Infrastructure (WSOI), for monitoring and accounting of WSOL service offerings and for dynamic adaptation (particularly reconfiguration) of Web Service compositions using manipulation of service offerings. A WSOI prototype demonstrates feasibility and usefulness of WSOL and WSOI. The dynamic adaptation mechanisms implemented in WSOI were compared with alternatives using both analytical studies and experiments with the WSOI prototype. I am currently designing and prototyping a new WSOI version 3.0 that will correspond to WSOL version 1.4 and enable monitoring and management of mobile/embedded Web Services.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. P. Agathoklis (721-8618)