
Event Details

Immunity in Cyberspace -Issues and Challenges

Presenter: Mihaela Ulieru - Director, Emergent Information Systems Laboratory, The University of Calgary
Supervisor: Dr. J. Jahnke - Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department

Date: Thu, November 27, 2003
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW), Room # 430



A system that is organized in a nested hierarchy (holarchy) distributed throughout the network the consists of a hybrid mixture of static and Mobile Agents (MAs) behaving like a Cyber organism capable to react to attacks much in the same manner as the immune system does to protect biological organisms. This ensures attack anticipation through network 'vaccination' by activating specialized agents pro actively seeking the presence of intruders into the network much in the same manner as antibodies fight viruses in biological systems, as such endowing the network with the capability to anticipate an attack and annihilate it before it can produce disastrous effects. Computational intelligence techniques endow the MAS with learning and discovery capabilities that emulate swarm intelligence properties. The MAS behaves like an artificial ant colony in which the source of an attack is tracked by specialized agents who leave informational traces (artificial pheromones) through which the message of an attack is propagated throughout the network. As such every 'command post' in the holarchy is alerted triggering 'fighter' agents specialized in annihilating the attacker.

By 'cloning' real-life entities into software agents, the proposed paradigm can be easily extended to the creation of emergent dynamic information infrastructures that are autonomous and proactive, capable of ensuring ubiquitous (optimal) resource discovery and allocation while at the same time self-organizing their resources to optimally accomplish the desired objectives. Applications to emergency response management and e-Health will be discussed.