
Event Details

Optimal Yaw Moment Control for a Four-Wheel Independent Drive Electric Vehicle

Presenter: Dr. Ebrahim Esmailzadeh - Professor and Director, Manufacturing Engineering Program, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada L1L 1B8

Date: Mon, November 10, 2003
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



A new optimal control law for direct yaw moment control, to improve the vehicle handling, is developed. Although, this can be considered as part of a multi-layer system, for the traction control of a motorized-wheels electric vehicle, but the results are quite general and can be applied to other types of vehicles. Initially, a compressive dynamic model of an innovative four-wheel independent drive (4WID) electric vehicle is developed, and, using the well-known optimal control theory, an optimal controller is designed. Subsequently, full descriptions of the model scope and the structure of the model including the sub-models are analyzed. The sub-models consist of the tire-sub-model, the body motion, the motor dynamics, and the motor control laws. Finally, the computer model of the vehicle, using the simulink software, is simulated, and the vehicle dynamic behavior under different driving conditions, with and without the use of the optimal yaw moment controller, was investigated.

Dr. Esmailzadeh is a Professor and Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Program at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Prior to joining UOIT, he was a Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Sharif (Arya Mehr) University of Technology in Iran. He taught at the Mechanical Engineering Departments of the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, Canada, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, and the University of London, England.

Professor Esmailzadeh has been internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the Active Vibration Control, Dynamics and Vibration of Structures, Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, and Vehicle Dynamic Systems, and published more than 200 books, refereed journal papers, handbooks and monogram chapters, refereed conference proceeding papers, and technical reports. He has received numerous national and international awards for excellence in teaching and research and his biography are cited in Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in Science and Engineering, published in USA, and the British Dictionary of Biography.

In 1995 Professor Esmailzadeh was made a Fellow of the British Institute of Mechanical Engineers and a year later was made a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for achieving excellence in mechanical engineering teaching and research. He has received his B.Sc. (Hons), M.Phil. and Ph.D., all in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of London, England.