
Event Details

Hypermedia Engineering: Software Engineering meets Hypermedia

Supervisor: Dr. R. N. Horspool, Chair, Department of Computer Science

Date: Thu, March 22, 2001
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:00:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW) Room #430



As the World-Wide Web continues to become an important platform for information systems, hypermedia applications keep growing in size and complexity. At the same time, these applications are becoming harder to create and maintain. Hypermedia Engineering is the application of software engineering practices to the creation of hypermedia applications, which include those created for the World-WideWeb.

This talk is divided into two parts. In the first part, I will present an overview of recent work in the area, primarily hypermedia design methodologies, hypermedia design patterns and the formal specification of hypermedia applications.

In the rest of the talk, I will discuss Hadez, an object-oriented specification language for hypermedia design which is the main result of my Ph.D. dissertation. Hadez divides the specification of a hypermedia application into three main parts: its conceptual schema, which describes the domain-specific data and its relationships; its structural schema, which describes how this data is combined and gathered into more complex entities; and the perspective schema, which uses abstract design perspectives to indicate how these composites are mapped to hyperpages, and how the user interacts with them. Hadez provides also a formal framework in which properties of a specification can be specified and then verified.