
Event Details

The ideal theory of F-algebras: Recent results and open questions

Presenter: Wiesalw Zelazko - Polish Academy of Science

Date: Mon, August 18, 2003
Time: 15:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: Clearihue A-211



An F-algebra is a topological algebra whose underlying topological vector space is a Frechet space, i.e., a complete metric vector space. This class includes Banach algebras, locally bounded algebras, $B_o$-algebras and many others. I shall describe situations when all maximal ideals are closed, all ideals are closed, and at the other end of the spectrum, when all maximal ideals are dense or when there are dense principal ideals. Still many questions are open and I shall present some of them.

Professor Zelazko was for many years the director of the Banach Centre and the Chief Editor of the Journal "Studia Mathematica", the Journal founded by Banach.