
Event Details

Design of linear-phase recursive filters by optimization of model reduced non-recursive filters

Presenter: Rafik Mikhael

Date: Thu, July 24, 2003
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: CIT 120



Digital filters with linear phase in the passbands are of much higher order than non-linear-phase filters satisfying the same magnitude specifications. The conventional approaches for the design of such filters include the design of symmetric-coefficient non-recursive filters, and the design of phase equalized recursive filters satisfying magnitude specifications. An emerging third approach involves the model reduction of an initial linear-phase non-recursive filter leading to a much lower order linear-phase recursive filter.

In this seminar, we present a three-stage filter design procedure based on this new approach. The procedure starts by a search for the best behaved model reduced IIR filter with respect to the magnitude specifications, followed by an optimization stage that minimizes the magnitude ripple of the chosen reduced IIR filter. Simulation results are shown to illustrate the potential of the proposed procedure.