
Event Details

Bioinformatics and Proteomics

Presenter: Prof. Krys Cios - University of Colorado at Denver, University of Colorado Center for Computational Biology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, University of Colorado at Boulder

Date: Fri, June 20, 2003
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: EOW 430


In this overview talk, we first define the field of bioinformatics, describe some of our algorithms, and present data mining results on cystic fibrosis data. Then, we will talk about networks of spiking neurons, plasticity rules and modeling of the somatosensory cortex of primates, as an introduction for showing how such networks can be used for solving other than modeling problems. Next, we will define computational proteomics, show our results for identification of contaminants, and initial work on finding quantification peptides. The talk will end with lessons learned from working with biological and medical data.

Dr. Krzysztof (Krys) Cios holds a Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, 1984; a MBA, University of Toledo, 1994; and a D.Sc., Machine Learning, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1999. He is currently Professor and Chair, Computer Science & Engineering Department, University of Colorado at Denver. Dr. Cios was a member of the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Toledo, 1985-99. Dr. Cios's primary research interests are in data mining and knowledge discovery, with focus on machine learning and networks of spiking neurons. He developed a family of very efficient hybrid decision-tree and rule-based inductive machine learning algorithms (one earned the Norbert Wiener Outstanding Paper Award from Kybernetes). His work in networks of spiking neurons resulted in finding a clustering structure in data without prior specification of the number of clusters. For about dozen years Dr. Cios has been doing research in the area of bioinformatics at the Medical College of Ohio, and at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, where he is currently working on protein identification and quantification methods, and on automating diabetic retinopathy diagnosis from eye images.

Dr. Cios is a candidate for Chair of the Department of Computer Science.