
Event Details

Microfluidic Instrumentation: Technologies and Applications

Presenter: Dr. Bonnie Gray - Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Date: Tue, April 15, 2003
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: EOW 430



There are many biological and biomedical applications that can benefit from Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) for reasons such as portability, sample volume minimization, or the direct analysis of individual cells. Each new application typically requires the development of new components or even entire instruments, many of which are quite sophisticated, using diverse materials and methods, and requiring solutions to a wide range of technological problems of integration and component interconnection. In this seminar, solutions to these technological challenges will be presented, including fabrication of microfluidic circuit boards and components, modular interconnection between components fabricated using different materials and methods, connections to off-chip components, and instrumental access to microchannels and wells. Example systems will be presented that utilize or could benefit from these technologies, including sample preparation and monitoring, platforms for cell research, and wafer-level packaging for integrated high speed screening arrays.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. N.J. Dimopoulos (721-8902)