
Event Details

Carbon Nanotubes - Engineering Prototypes for Nanotechnology

Presenter: Mr. Chris Papadopoulos - Division of Engineering, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Date: Mon, April 7, 2003
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been widely touted as ideal base materials for nanotechnologies of the future, generating a global scientific and industrial research effort. After reviewing the basis for the exciting prospects of CNT-based devices, this talk will focus on the development of techniques aimed at overcoming some of the current challenges facing CNT research and also illustrates new possibilities for nanoscale science and technology.

Results of "rational CNT synthesis" based on using nanoscale templates as moulds for chemical vapor deposition will be presented along with a discussion of potential applications they could enable such as ultra-dense integration of nanodevices. This will be followed by a description of ongoing experimental efforts to measure electronic transport in such nano-engineered materials. In particular, multi-terminal CNT junctions have been found to display a unique type of mesoscopic rectification which could enable ground-breaking device demonstrations such as molecular-scale transistors based on novel operating principles. The implications of these results and opportunities for future research will conclude the talk.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. N.J. Dimopoulos (721-8902)