
Event Details

Concise Texture Editing by Self-Similarity

Presenter: Stephen Brooks - University of Cambridge
Supervisor: Dr. R. Nigel Horspool, Chair, Computer Science Department

Date: Thu, April 17, 2003
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW), Room # 430



Many computer graphics applications remain in the domain of the specialist. They are often characterized by a complex collection of image or object manipulation commands embedded in a variety of interface components. The complexity of these graphic editing tools often requires that the user possess a correspondingly high level of expertise.

Presented in this talk is a novel system which allows complex manipulations to be performed on texture images with minimal user interaction. The user is able to instruct the system to perform these alterations without having to specify copious amounts of detail, thereby comprehensively reducing the user's workload through semi-automation. This is achieved by exploiting the inherent self-similarity of textures to replicate editing operations globally over an image. These manipulations are performed interactively, often directed with just a single mouse movement. This results in an acutely concise user interface.

The talk will additionally include video clips from as yet unpublished material on human motion editing. This collaborative work extends the concept of replicated editing-by-similarity to the domain of motion capture databases.

Note: Mr. Stephen Brooks is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Computer Science