
Event Details

System Support for Access-Anywhere Services

Presenter: Mr. Jian Yin - Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin
Supervisor: Dr. R. Nigel Horspool, Chair, Computer Science Department

Date: Thu, April 3, 2003
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW), Room # 430



In the future, access-anywhere services will become increasingly important. The advantages of access-anywhere services include simple deployment, low administration cost, and ease of maintenance. However, traditional access-anywhere services have two drawbacks: high latency resulting from the distance between users and central servers and the security vulnerabilities resulting from exposures to attacks from anywhere in the Internet. Replication can reduce the latency for access-anywhere services. However, existing consistency protocols use client polling, which can result in high latency or poor consistency, and thus erode the benefits of replication. We propose a low latency, highly scalable, highly robust, and highly flexible cache consistency framework. Our experimental results show our consistency protocols can provide a range of consistency guarantees with little overhead for real world workloads. I will also talk briefly about my ongoing work on using redundancy to improve the security of access-anywhere services.

Note: Mr. Jian Yin is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Computer Science.