
Event Details

Designing Switch Blocks for Circuit Switching Networks

Presenter: Dr. Hongbing Fan - Computer Science Department, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø
Supervisor: Dr. R. Nigel Horspool, Chair, Computer Science Department

Date: Mon, March 24, 2003
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW), Room # 430



Switch blocks are the key switching components used in FPGA routing architectures, and the potential switch modules for reconfigurable interconnection networks in future System-on-a-Chip designs. A switch block basically consists of n terminals, usually partitioned into a few groups, and some programmable switches, each of which joins two terminals in different groups. The problem is to design switch blocks capable of realizing all possible routing requirements, using a small number of switches.

The number of switches required was previously believed to be quadratic in n. However, we found that a large switch block can be constructed by combining smaller switch blocks. Our constructive design technique is to first design a few small switch blocks. These are then used to build all others. As a result, switch blocks with a linear number of switches are obtained.

In this talk, I will present this new switch block design technique together with some supporting decomposition theorems from graph theory and linear Diophantine equation theory. Some examples of the application of these techniques to circuit switching network designs will also be shown.

Note: Hongbin Fan is a candidate for a faculty position in the Department of Computer Science