
Event Details

Energy Systems - Acceptable Risks

Presenter: Niels Lind - Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Waterloo

Date: Wed, March 12, 2003
Time: 15:30:00 - 16:30:00
Place: Elliott 161



Risks to life, health and property from a few conventional energy systems are reviewed, as background to the problem of what levels of risk should be acceptable. Two ways to find a rational level of risk tolerance are presented, using a time principle and a social indicator, yielding practically identical results. A special problem arises when you spend resources now to reduce risk later. A short term solution -- perhaps valid up to a century -- is well defined. A rationale is yet to be found for long term risk problems, such as the disposal of high level nuclear fuel waste.


Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Waterloo; Masters degree in Civil and Structural Engineering (Tech. Univ. Denmark) and a Doctorate from University of Illinois in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He has published about 250 scientific papers and co-authored four books on safety and risk management.