
Event Details

What is the Fuss about Agile Software Processes?

Presenter: Frank Maurer - University of Calgary, Canada

Date: Fri, December 13, 2002
Time: 13:30:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Agile software processes are a recent trend in the software industry. According to Giga Information Group Inc., more than two-thirds of all corporate IT organizations will use some form of agile software development process within the next 18 months. The presentation will give an introductory overview on agile processes. It will discuss the benefits and issues with applying agile approaches and present some initial empirical evidence.


Dr. Maurer is the head of the e-Business engineering group at the University of Calgary (Canada) and the program co-chair of XP Agile Universe 2003. His research interests are empirical stduies of and tool support for agile software processes, experience management and web technologies.