
Event Details

Query Rewriting in Graph Databases

Supervisor: Dr. N. Horspool, Chair - Department of Computer Science

Date: Mon, March 5, 2001
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:00:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW) Room # 430



Rewriting queries using views is a powerful technique that has applications in data integration, data warehousing and query optimization. Query rewriting in relational databases is by now rather well investigated. However, with the emergence of the world-wide web and XML, viewing data as a labeled graph has become a serious alternative to the relational model, and the problem of rewriting queries in graph databases has received much less attention.

In the talk we briefly review graph databases and view-based query answering. We then describe some new techniques for query rewriting and view-based query answering. The rewriting techniques are of an algebraic nature, which entails that they are invoked at compile time and that the result is used for reducing secondary memory and remote access times in run time query evaluation. We also describe algorithms for the query evaluation phase, and touch upon the computational complexity issues involved in rewriting.