
Event Details

Fractographic Failure Analysis: Overall Review and Current Mechanisms

Presenter: Dr. W.J.D. Shaw - Dept. of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary

Date: Wed, February 21, 2001
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Failure analysis involves many different facets of analysis but starts from a study of the fractured component, thus fractography forms the foundation of this area. Failure analysis evolved steadily with the introduction of the transmission electron microscope, TEM, and then more quickly with the availability of the scanning electron microscope, SEM. Slow but continued evolution has continued over the years and a few new fractographic mechanisms have been discovered. Not all of these are commonly known.

This presentation first covers an overview of failure analysis showing where fractography fits and the logic of mechanism identification. It will cover a review of the common fractographic mechanisms for metals at both the macroscopic and microscopic scale and then introduces the more recent additions to this list. These new additions are known by names such as shear ridges, microsuperplasticity, and delamination stress corrosion cracking. In addition a few unusual fractographic features will be illustrated.