
Event Details

Modeling Fields Induced in Humans by 50/60 Hz Magnetic Fields: Reliability of the Results and Effects of Model Variations

Presenter: Mr. Kris Caputa - Department of Electrical Engineering

Date: Fri, November 29, 2002
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



For various health and safety related reasons we need to know the distribution of eddy currents and associated electrical fields induced in human organs and tissues by the power-line magnetic fields of 50/60Hz.

This is a non-trivial task. Due to wide variation of conductivities between the tissues and the complexity of body anatomy it is not possible to analytically predict the induced fields. The fields cannot be determined experimentally either, since it is not possible to place the field probes inside the living body. Therefore the only practical approach is to use numerical techniques and anatomically based body models.

The sole reliance on computational methods naturally brings the questions about the data reliability. Different researchers that computed the fields in the past, used their own numerical codes specifically written for the task and proprietary body models and the agreement between reported data is not very good.

To address the issue of data reliability a study has been conducted to cross-compare the results obtained at our research lab and at the research branch of National Radiological Protection Board in the UK. Both labs computed the induced fields each using its own code based on the Scalar Potential Finite Difference (SPFD) method and applying it to two models developed independently in the two laboratories.

The results of this comparison will be presented in the seminar.

For further information please contact:
Kris Caputa (kcaputa@ece.uvic.ca)