
Event Details

Multiuser Detection: An Information-Theoretic Perspective

Presenter: Dejan V. Djonin

Date: Fri, November 22, 2002
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Multiuser detection is a modern technique that enables the increase of the capacity of the cellular DS/CDMA systems. This technique was thoroughly analyzed from the computational point of view and numerous algorithms that span from the optimal, exponentionaly complex receiver, to the conventional matched filter of linear complexity were proposed.

This seminar, however, analyzes the theoretical viewpoint of the multiuser detectors and gives a review of the results on attainable bit rates in a coded DS/CDMA system with the application of different multiuser receivers. The talk will follow the chronological development of this field and review the capacity region of the multiple-access channel with and without spreading. The large random spreading sequence model will be discussed in great detail in order to evaluate the sum capacity of the CDMA system with optimal as well as suboptimal linear receivers. The influence of fading on the limiting attaiable rates will be discussed in some detail.

Free and open to the public

Cookies and coffee will be served.