
Event Details

Input Voltage Modulated High Voltage DC Power Supply Topology for Pulsed Load Applications

Presenter: Mr. Neti Vishwanathan - Research Scholar, Dept. of Electrical Engg., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560012, India

Date: Mon, October 28, 2002
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 230



High voltage power supplies with pulse load (125 kHz and 10% duty cycle) are investigated which are of interest for applications like radar power supplies with output voltage of 22 kV. It has stringent specifications (<0.01% regulation, efficiency >85%, droop <0.5 V/micro-sec.). As the converter needs to be switched at much higher frequency than pulse load frequency, transformer poses serious problems of insulation failure and higher losses. Hence a two level power conversion is proposed with one converter switching at low frequency processing the entire power and the other switching at high frequency and taking care of transient variations of line and load. A prototype for average power of 600 W and an output voltage of 1 kV is studied under various operating conditions. Simulation and experimental results are presented here.

For Further Information Contact:
Dr. A.K.S. Bhat (721-8682)