
Event Details

What Can We Do in Sublinear Time?

Presenter: Dr. Ronitt Rubinfeld - NEC Research Institute, USA
Supervisor: Dr. Bruce Kapron - Associate Professor

Date: Tue, October 22, 2002
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: Centre of Innovative Teaching Bulding (CIT), Room 110



We have long considered showing the existence of a linear time algorithm for a problem to be the gold standard of achievement. Indeed, it is hard to imagine doing any better than that, since for any nontrivial problem, any algorithm must consider all of the input in order to make a decision. However, as extremely large data sets grow more prevalent in a wide variety of settings, it is natural to wonder what one can do in *sublinear* time. In fact, there has been a lot of recent interest in this direction.

This talk will contain a brief, nonexhaustive survey of the types of problems that can be solved in sublinear time. Since any sublinear time algorithm can only view a small portion of the input, for most natural problems the answer must necessarily be approximate in some sense. We concentrate on such algorithms. We will see that there are classical optimization problems whose values can be approximated in sublinear time. In addition, property testing, an alternative notion of approximation for decision problems, has been applied to give sublinear algorithms for a wide variety of problems.

I will spend the rest of the talk describing joint work with Bernard Chazelle and Luca Trevisan, in which we consider sublinear time algorithms for approximating the weight of a minimum spanning tree. We give a probabilistic algorithm for estimating the weight of a minimum spanning tree in time O (dw log (w)), where d is the average degree of the graph and w is a bound on the ratio of the maximum weight edge to the minimum weight edge. In particular, for constant degree graphs in which the ratio w is constant, our running time will also be constant. We also show that our running time is nearly tight.