
Event Details

Development of Diagnostic methods for the Measurement of Absolute Physical Parameters of Physical Systems

Presenter: Dr. Rodney Herring - Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, UVIC

Date: Thu, October 10, 2002
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 430



This research focuses on developing new methods of diagnostics and characterization techniques of matter using electron holography and optical holography, which can be applied to the fields of Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine. These microscopes are based on the principles of holography for the observation and measurement of the physical properties of objects. Many objects inside matter, consisting of plasma, gas, liquid and solids, are being detected for the first time, giving scientists a better understanding of their physical state and the physical processes occurring. These observations and measurements will aid our understanding of methods of heat and mass transfer, reaction kinetics, energy conversions in combustion, biological processes, and the state of the human body, to mention only a few general applications. Much work is needed though to develop these methods of microscopy, which require precise design of their optical systems, careful measurements using the demanding principles of holography, and then interpretation of the data collected, often involving computer simulations for verification.