
Event Details

Adaptive Fourier Analysis Algorithms and Applications

Presenter: Dr. Yegui Xiao - Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems (ICICS)

Date: Fri, October 4, 2002
Time: 15:30:00 - 16:30:00
Place: EOW 230



There are many applications in digital communications, power systems, control, active noise/vibration control, biomedical engineering, automated transcription, just to name a few, where we are concerned with the analysis of a sinusoidal signal in additive noise.

The frequencies of the sinusoidal signal are arbitrary, and are known or have been estimated in advance. Furthermore, the signal is non-stationary most of the time. To overcome the weakness of conventional DFT-type algorithms, many adaptive algorithms have been proposed. These algorithms are focused on arbitrary frequencies of interest which are not necessarily integer multiples of the fundamental frequency of the DFT, and are capable of operating where even the signal being analyzed is highly non-stationary.

In this talk, an introduction to the background of the problem and several state-of-the-art adaptive algorithms will be discussed, with the emphasis placed on the LMS-based algorithms. Several applications from different fields will also be presented.

For Further Information Contact:
Dr. W-S. Lu (721-8692)