
Event Details

Computer Engineering Research: One Person's View

Presenter: Dr. Fayez Gebali - Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Date: Thu, September 12, 2002
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



In this talk I will give a broad overview of the research efforts of my group in the field of computer engineering. Our group has been active in several areas of computer engineering such as computer networks, computer arithmetic, computer architecture and embedded systems, parallel algorithms and processing, and VLSI system design. Following the broad overview, I will discuss in more detail one of the above topics: computer networks. We are working in two specific topics in computer networks. First topic is investigating existing and new media access protocols and performing discrete-time Markov chain analyses. The second topic is developing new schedulers for quality of service (QoS) support. I will discuss our contributions to QoS support through a new packet scheduling algorithm called the hierarchical parallel scheduler (HPS). HPS uses linear programming and 0-1 knapsack problem optimization techniques to independently control allocated bandwidth, packet delay and packet delay jitter to the different service classes. VLSI design implementation issues of HPS are also discussed.

For Further Information Contact Dr. Jens Bornemann (721-8666)