
Event Details

Satisfying the Requirements of Applications on a Single Packet Network

Presenter: Dr. Yoram Ofek - Founder, President and CEO Synchrodyne Networks, Inc.

Date: Wed, September 11, 2002
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Over the past few decades, it has become clear that there is a need for a Transition to a single packet network that can support all applications, and in particular can replace the existing circuit switching network (which was optimized for telephony). However, challenges remain in realizing the above. One of the major challenges is how to satisfy new interactive streaming media applications (which I call "person-to-person communications"). Another challenge is how to effectively satisfy distributed computing with bursty data sources (which I call "machine-to- machine communications").

We will present novel solutions which introduce two new elements: (1) Using virtual ring embeddings for convergence routing in order to improve Machine-to-machine communications, and (2) utilizing Coordinated Universal Time (UTC a.k.a. GMT) for pipeline forwarding of data in Order to: (i) improve person-to-person communications while Transporting unchanged TCP/IP Best Effort traffic, and (ii) realize an all optical fractional lambda switching.

For Further Information Contact Dr. Jens Bornemann (721-8666)