
Event Details

Next Generation Wireless Networks: Glimpses in the Crystal Ball

Presenter: Professor Sirin Tekinay - New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ

Date: Tue, August 13, 2002
Time: 15:30:00 - 16:30:00
Place: EOW 430



We will review the technology trends through generations of wireless networking. In light of the evolving demand for wireless services in general and wireless Internet in particular, we will revisit the cellular and local area realms.

We will present a new framework for technology creation.

We will discuss research efforts towards adaptive network architectures, cooperative communications, and an all-IP based world.

We will conclude with the changing roles of geolocation, mobility modeling and management among other enabling technologies.

For Further Information Contact:
Dr. V.K. Bhargava
This talk is co-sponsored by the Computer Chapter of the IEEE Victoria Section