
Event Details

Retargetable Binary Translation

Presenter: Cristina Cifuentes, Sun Microsystems

Date: Fri, March 9, 2001
Time: 13:30:00 - 15:00:00
Place: room tbd


Binary translation, the automatic translation of executable programs from one machine to another, has traditionally been limited to hand-crafted techniques for a given pair of machines. Our approach to binary translation, which is designed to allow both source and target machines to be changed at low cost, is based on a combination of machine descriptions, binary-interface descriptions, and machine-independent analyses. This approach is producing components that are suitable for static binary translators, as well as for other binary manipulation tools.

This seminar will describe the design and implementation of the University of Queen-sland Binary Translator (UQBT), a retargetable framework for constructing binary trans-lators. Preliminary results obtained with several static translators instantiated from this framework will be presented. Retargetability is achieved by means of specifications of features of the machine and OS conventions, allowing a binary translator writer to con-centrate on such features and reuse the rest of the framework.

About the speaker:

Dr Cristina Cifuentes is a researcher and principal investigator of the Walkabout project at Sun Microsytems Labs, California. She was formerly an Associate Professor at the University of Queensland, Australia, where she researched in the areas of binary translation, decompilation, and legal aspects of computing. She received a PhD in Computer Science from the Queensland University of Technology in 1995. Cristina was the General Chair of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering 2000, and has served in the Program Committee of several conferences and workshops. She is a member of the ACM and the IEEE Computer Society.