
Event Details

Defect-Oriented Test Strategies for System-on-Chip Designs

Presenter: Robert C. Aitken - Agilent Technologies

Date: Thu, March 1, 2001
Time: 15:15:00 - 16:30:00
Place: D288 MacLaurin Bld.


The goal of integrated circuit testing is to obtain high product quality at a reasonable cost. As designs become larger, feature sizes smaller, and processes more exotic, new approaches are needed to meet both the quality and cost requirements of test. This talk begins with the basics of modern system-on-chip design and design-for-testability and then explores current problems in meeting system constraints (timing, power, etc.). We show how a defect-oriented approach "what can go wrong with this system, and has it happened?" can more effectively test today's devices than the conventional functional approach "what is this device meant to do, and is it working?". Finally, some open problems and promising areas for future research are outlined.

Robert Aitken is the ASIC Design Methodology Program Manager, of the Imaging Electronics Division at Agilent Technologies. Since 1985, Robert Aitken has been working on design and testability issues such as test synthesis, fault modelling and fault diagnosis. He holds a Ph. D. degree from McGill University. Dr. Aitken is an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design.