
Event Details

The Musical Spectrogram: A Tool for the Time-Frequency Analysis of Musical Signals

Presenter: Mr. Tony Antoniou

Date: Mon, April 29, 2002
Time: 12:00:00 - 12:30:00
Place: EOW 430



The frequency domain of signals is traditionally examined through techniques based on the Fourier transform: These techniques give a linear view of the frequency spectrum in Hertz, and are ideal for the numerical analysis and manipulation of spectra. In this work, I propose a scheme suited to the analysis of musical signals: The Musical Spectrogram.

A four-stage system, the Musical Spectrogram consists of a tuning module, a 9 octave-band filter bank, a 12 semitone-band filter bank array and an output system. The spectrum of a musical signal is first decomposed into octave subbands, which are each separated into musical scale semitone subbands and plotted. New insights are offered by exploring the musical spectrograms of a number of test musical signals, and the commercial potentials of this new analysis tool are explored.

This seminar is the first of two to be presented by this speaker. The second seminar will present the graphical real-time control language called Infinity and explore the musical potential of this software package.

For further information please contact: Tony Antoniou (tantonio@ece.uvic.ca)