
Event Details

A Wavelet-Based Blind & Readable Watermarking AlgorithmM for Digital Images

Presenter: Mr. Mohamed Seddeik Yasein

Date: Fri, April 19, 2002
Time: 09:30:00 - 10:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Identification of, information insertion into, and/or copyright protection of a digital image can be achieved by embedding a watermark into it. Digital image watermarking is the process of direct embedding additional information into an image. In most applications, it is required that the watermark be invisible, i.e., the watermarked image cannot be distinguished from the original unwatermarked image, and robust, i.e., the watermark can be detected/extracted from the watermarked image after the image has undergone some processing, such as compression, filtering, etc. This seminar overviews the concept of digital image watermarking and presents an algorithm for embedding robust, readable watermarks into grayscale images. Then, I will also discuss the performance of the proposed algorithm with respect to several digital signal-processing operations.

For Further Information Please Contact: Mohamed Yasein (myasein@ece.uvic.ca)