
Event Details

Design Considerations for Turbo Codes and Space Time Codes

Presenter: Dr. Christina Fragouli - Research Associate, Dept. of Physics, National Capodistrean University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Date: Thu, April 11, 2002
Time: 09:30:00 - 10:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Turbo codes and space time codes are recently emerged active research areas, that both offer a significant performance improvement in their respective context, i.e., in the case of turbo codes performance closer to channel capacity, in the case of space-time codes, diversity advantages for fading channels.

We discuss design considerations for these systems that include, for turbo codes, the constituent encoder search space and a comparison between symbol vs. bit interleaving, and for space-time codes, training for multiple transmit antennas and limitations of the diversity and coding design criteria.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. N.J. Dimopoulos (721-8902)