
Event Details

Plasticity Model for Solids with Periodic Substructure

Presenter: Wolf Reinhardt - Babcock & Wilcox Canada

Date: Fri, March 22, 2002
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



A continuum mechanical plasticity model has been developed that describes metals with an internal periodic array of features (in particular, e.g. holes). The model is based on a higher-degree (>2) polynomial yield function that is anisotropic, reflects the symmetry of the internal substructure, and leads to compressible plastic flow. The approach has been used to devise a plastic limit design method for perforated plates in steam generators and heat exchangers.

Compared with a traditional design, a reduction of 30% in the required plate thickness could be achieved by the proposed plastic design method. Parameter identification for the plasticity model is discussed, and a numerical method to obtain solutions based on the lower bound theorem of plasticity is presented.