
Event Details

Indexing, Retrieving and Delivering Entertainment Quality Multimedia over IP: Searchable and Browsable TV

Presenter: Andrea Basso - AT&T Labs Research, Middletown, New Jersey

Date: Thu, March 14, 2002
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 430



We are witnessing a communications revolution. This revolution is the result of major advancements in networking, computing, information processing, and communications protocols. Cable modems, digital subscriber lines, and optical fiber connections provide access to broadband networks from homes and businesses. The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) and the specific payload types defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) have already made the delivery of high-quality encoded video over IP networks a reality. In the long term, this will enable the creation of searchable and browsable TV.

In this talk we describe a system we have designed for automatic broadcast-quality video indexing that successfully combines results from the fields of speaker verification, acoustic analysis, very large vocabulary speech recognition, content based sampling of video, information retrieval, natural language processing, dialogue systems and MPEG delivery over IP. We will briefly discuss the techniques used for classification and anchorperson detection, the story segmentation, the archive navigation, the user interface, and we will present in more detail the error resilient IP/RTP/RTSP MPEG media control and streaming component that allows the user to request and view the selected video material.


For Further Information Contact: Dr. P. Driessen (721-8688)