
Event Details

Space Mapping Technology: A New Approach to Engineering Optimization

Presenter: Dr. John W. Bandler - Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario & President, Bandler Corporation Dundas, Ontario

Date: Mon, February 12, 2001
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The original concept of Space Mapping, and the Aggressive Space Mapping approach to engineering design optimization will be discussed. Space Mapping optimization intelligently links models of different complexities, e.g., full-wave electromagnetic simulations and empirical circuit-theory based simulations, to accelerate iterative design optimization of engineering structures.

Our latest trust region aggressive space mapping optimization algorithms will be discussed. Artificial neural network (ANN) approaches vs. generalized space mapping (GSM) for device modeling from electromagnetic data will be mentioned. We will also discuss new neuro space mapping (NSM) approaches to device modeling and circuit optimization using ANN methodology.

We present new research results applicable to RF, wireless and microwave circuit design, integrating electromagnetic simulations. While the examples are derived from electromagnetics-based circuit design, the approach taken is very general and should be of wide interest to engineers.

We played a significant role in the first international workshop on "Surrogate Modelling and Space Mapping for Engineering Optimization", which was held at the Technical University of Denmark, November 16 - 18, 2000. We will report briefly on that event.

For Further Information Contact: Dr. W.J.R. Hoefer (721 6030)