
Event Details

Detection of Dementia: Using Electroencephalography and Machine Learning

Presenter: Tanveer Ahmed

Date: Fri, November 17, 2023
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Dementia is a general term used to describe a decline in mental ability that interferes with daily life. It is characterized by a loss of memory, language, problem-solving and other thinking abilities. This research aims to investigate the use of EEG (Electroencephalography) signals to detect Alzheimer Dementia in elderly individuals. The use of EEG signals and machine learning has emerged as a promising approach for the early detection and monitoring of dementia. EEG signals provide valuable information about brain activity, which can be analyzed using machine learning algorithms to identify patterns associated with the disease. This research will also discuss various EEG features extraction, feature selection techniques and machine learning algorithms in comparison to the current state of research on the use of EEG signals and machine learning for the detection of dementia and will provide an analysis of the results obtained.