
Event Details

Label-free tracking of proteins through plasmon enhanced interference

Presenter: Matthew Peters

Date: Wed, November 15, 2023
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
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The dominant approaches to observing single proteins modify them with fluorescent labels and/or tethers that alter the biophysical properties and limit observation time. It is desirable to have complementary methods that can directly observe single unmodified proteins. This is challenging since particles much smaller than the wavelength of light have scattering that diminishes with the sixth power of the radius and quickly becomes insignificant. Interferometric scattering (iSCAT), plasmonic scattering (PSM), and nanochannel scattering microscopy (NSM) have detected unlabeled, large proteins. By combining surface plasmon interference with reflected laser interference, we track the diffusion of single unmodified proteins as small as 14kDa (r~2nm) in real time in plasmon-enhanced protein tracking with interference (PEPTI). Our results show the expected trend that smaller proteins diffuse faster than larger proteins. Complementary nanoaperture optical tweezers analysis is performed on the tracked proteins showing additional single protein information.