
Event Details

Review-Based Book Recommendation System with Machine Learning

Presenter: Long Huang

Date: Thu, August 17, 2023
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below


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Meeting ID: 827 3426 0517

Password: 782317

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In the age of information overload, personalized recommendation is essential for people to develop curated information recipe. This book recommendation system implements various data processing techniques, such as TF-IDF vectorization, and machine learning algorithms including neural network, to provide recommendation based on user's reading taste. Built upon a robust data pipeline, the model is trained on a rich dataset with reviews of more than one million books, including book meta data and textual descriptions. The user interface for preference input and data visualization provides an intuitive user experience. By integrating various data processing techniques and machine learning algorithms, it offers a platform that allow users to explore more diverse reading choices.