
Event Details

Underwater Image Improvement: Deblurring, Dehazing, and Color Correction.

Presenter: Alejandro Rico

Date: Thu, August 17, 2023
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.



Meeting ID: 705 978 7426 

Password: 073727 

Note: Please log in to Zoom via SSO and your UVic Netlink ID 


Abstract:  Large amounts of underwater imagery are constantly collected for environmental monitoring studies. However, this data has variable quality due to uncontrolled environmental factors that cause blur and color cast. We propose a deep learning architecture that integrates elements from classical methods to simultaneously address these distortions in real-time. We use two parallel networks with attention blocks to retrieve color and discrete wavelength transform to preserve high-frequency components. We trained our model in generative adversarial network scheme. Our experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art related works on the structured similarity index metric (SSIM). Qualitative comparisons with color-checkers also demonstrated notable improvements.