
Event Details

A Long-Range Transmission Network for Animal Sighting in the Wilderness

Presenter: Yan Zhang

Date: Fri, August 4, 2023
Time: 10:30:00 - 11:30:00
Place: via Zoom - please see link below


Zoom Meeting Link: 

Meeting ID: 750 411 1942

Password: Uvic123

One tap mobile

+16475580588,,7504111942# Canada

+17789072071,,7504111942# Canada


When wild animals are monitored in the vast wilderness of Canada, data transmission is considerably challenging due to the lack of effective network service provided by telecom carriers, especially in sparsely populated areas. A long-range transmission network for wildlife identification with notification using a low-power and low-cost embedded system is designed and implemented. The aim of the system is to transmit the results of wildlife identification in a monitored area with independent long-range networking. The system consists of a Camera-embedded system for wildlife image capturing and environmental data logging, a user system for scanning images and notifications, and a LoRaWAN network for long-range transmitting. Once a targeted moving animal is detected and identified, the system issues an alarm in the monitored region and sends LoRa data to an application server for user notification and further analysis. The transmission distance can be effectively extended through the relay nodes. The system can process five frames per second from the camera and identify the designated wildlife with high accuracy by asynchronous multi-threading in a low-cost embedded system. The application could be beneficial for a variety of purposes in the vast and diverse wilderness areas, such as a wildlife migration monitoring system used by biologists, alarms for large animals in traffic areas, and warning of potential threats to the public such as approaching dangerous animals.