
Event Details

Optical Frequency Comb

Presenter: Hing-Wai, Chow

Date: Fri, April 14, 2023
Time: 09:30:00 - 22:30:00
Place: via Zoom - please see link below


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Optical Frequency Comb (OFC) is a special kind of broad frequency spectrum that consists of precisely spaced and accurate spectral lines. Its corresponding time domain waveform is a sequence of ultrashort pulses. In the past two decades, the technological development of OFC has been widely expanded and promoted to the enablement of optical measurement and different variety of applications, such as optical atomic clock, precision spectroscopy, medical diagnostics, atmospheric science etc. OFCs based on Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM) microresonator made with low-loss optical materials, has dominated in many science research. Microcavity with high optical quality factors (Q) allows more intense lights to confine around the perimeter of the cavity by total internal reflection. High-Q microcavity requires low input threshold power for comb generation and thus suitable for broad applications. In this project, we had setup an experiment in laboratory to conduct the Q-measurement of cavity by placing a tapered optical fiber close to the microresonator in different wavelengths (mainly 775nm and 850nm) of light under air and DPBS mediums. In addition, we investigated whether the Q-factor could be maintained at high level for long lasting period when the microcavity was immersed in aqueous environment.