
Event Details

Authentication Algorithms modelling and Simulations of an Arbiter PUF

Presenter: Vaseem Khan

Date: Thu, April 13, 2023
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: via Zoom - please see link below


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Physical attacks represent a threat to intellectual property, confidential data, and service security because they typically involve reading and modifying data. Attackers frequently have access to tools and resources that can be utilized, either invasively or non-invasively,

to read or corrupt memory. Secret keys for cryptographic techniques are often kept in memory. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs), which dynamically construct keys only when necessary and do not need to be retained on a powered-off chip, appear to be a potential

remedy for such issues. PUFs are circuit primitives that use inherent differences of microchips made during the manufacturing process to produce distinctive "fingerprint" output sequences (response) to a particular input (challenge). The PUF is a fantastic choice for creating cryptographic keys

since these modifications are stochastic, device-specific, hard to duplicate even by the same manufacturer using similar procedures, tools, and settings, and are intended to be static. The delay based PUF, an arbiter PUF, is the subject of our study. It benefits from the

differences in propagation delays that are present between two symmetrical channels. Without the need for helper data or secure sketch techniques, we created some of the most modern algorithms that may be used to enable solid authentication and secret key generation.

Finally, we present data that demonstrates how these devices behave and how their functionality is influenced by the chosen authentication mechanism and key system variables.