
Event Details

Security Implementation and Analysis for an Industrial IoT Aquaculture Aeration Device

Presenter: Victor Wiedemann

Date: Tue, February 14, 2023
Time: 12:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: via Zoom - please see link below


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Poseidon Ocean System’s Industrial Internet of Things product, the Flowpressor™, was designed to use protocols like OPC-UA, Modbus-TCP, J1939, and UART communications. The Flowpressor™ also used off-the-shelf software like Microsoft Azure’s IoT Hub and Mender.io. Work was done to ensure that each of these protocols and software tools were implemented to protect itself against the security vulnerabilities that are common with Internet of Things devices.  

After designing and implementing the requirements for the Flowpressor™ product, a security audit and penetration test was conducted to ensure that the design assumptions were correct and secure. Wireshark was used to confirm that the encrypted communications worked properly. The Hydra penetration tool was used to ensure that the SSH and serial communication port’s risk mitigations worked as expected. Additional Linux commands and the Nessus port scanner tool found unexpected networking configurations. Poseidon Ocean System's management was informed of outstanding risks and recommendations that were made to help mitigate those risks.