
Event Details

Distance Determination Algorithms for Contact Dynamics Applications

Presenter: Juan Carretero

Date: Tue, January 22, 2002
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The simulation of multibody systems interacting with complex environments, such as robotic manipulators handling payloads, involves several complex processes. One such process is the determination of the minimum distance between object pairs. Most of the minimum distance methods proposed so far deal only with convex objects. In today's more complex simulations there is a need to extend those algorithms to cover more complicated scenarios including concave bodies.

In order to situate the distance problem in the simulation scenario, a brief introduction is given with particular attention to contact dynamics applications. Then, new distance determination methods based on optimization techniques are described.

In order to cope with the multi-modality of the objective function, global optimization techniques such as Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing are used. Finally a few concluding remarks are given and future advancements in the area are outlined.