
Event Details

Triple Cation Perovskite Optimization using High-throughput experimentations


Date: Thu, September 8, 2022
Time: 12:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


Meeting ID: 872 5586 1022

Password: 765126


Compositional production is a key enabler to the attainment of stable perovskite solar cells (PSCs) that are in the scope of fast commercialized PSCs. Despite the low processing costs and compatibility with the tandem solar cell construction so far suffer from severe operational losses due to the degradation of the absorber layer. Adequate research has been fixated on the involving issues the degradation mechanism by optimizing the perovskite layer. However, keeping the unique optoelectronic properties of the perovskite layer and stabilizing it at the same time is an ongoing challenge in this field. Therefore, a systematic method with the high-throughput synthesis of thin films is in high demand for realizing the most stable perovskite composition with the remaining desired optoelectronic properties. Here we demonstrate a high-throughput synthesis of triple cation perovskite composition and map the desired chemical space in one substrate. The introduced platform is capable of being characterized in a high-throughput manner for expediting research of material discovery paths.