
Event Details

Three Dimensional Full Vector Modelling of Whispering Gallery Microcavities

Presenter: Saeed Farajollahi

Date: Mon, September 5, 2022
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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This proposal investigates the  three dimensional full vector modeling of azimuthal-asymmetric Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) micro-cavities. The breaking of azimuthal-symmetry due to the proximity with a light coupling object such as a tapered fiber is explored. The perturbation method is improved for these fiber-perturbed micro-cavities and both two dimensional and three dimensional cases are investigated. In order to improve the accuracy, the orthogonality in mode matching method is generalized to model azimuthal propagation of multiple modes in micro-cavities and a new method for calculating coupling quality factor is introduced. For future work, the mode matching method will be generalized for bi-directional and multi-wavelength propagation of modes in WGM micro-resonators.