
Event Details

Hybrid Beamforming Design for Multi-User mmWave Communications

Presenter: Jinlong Zhan

Date: Wed, April 6, 2022
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:30:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Meeting ID: 649 694 2473

Password:   457490

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Summary:  In this seminar, we investigate the mmWave multi-user massive MIMO system and introduce our proposed interference cancellation (IC) framework for hybrid beamforming design. Based on the proposed framework, three successive interference cancellation (SIC) aided hybrid beamforming algorithms are proposed to deal with inter-user and intra-user interference. Specifically, for the first proposed algorithm, we use zero-forcing (ZF) to cancel inter-user interference and use SIC to cancel intra-user interference. For the second one, SIC is used to cancel inter-user interference and ZF is used to cancel intra-user interference. Both inter-user interference and intra-user interference are suppressed by SIC in the third algorithm. Furthermore, the optimal detection order of data streams is derived according to the post-detection signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR). Numerical results show that the proposed SIC-aided hybrid beamforming algorithms outperform the existing approaches in terms of spectral efficiency (SE) at the cost of computational complexity for the SIC procedure. Moreover, the results indicate that the proposed algorithms can achieve good SE performance with 2-bit finite resolution phase shifters and channel estimation error.