
Event Details

Construction of Systematic Binary Self-Complementary Codes

Presenter: Jonaki Medda

Date: Thu, April 7, 2022
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Meeting ID: 841 3113 9642

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Efficient transmission of data through channels is of utmost importance in modern digital communication systems. In order to reduce errors due to impairments such as noise in the channel, error control coding is used for reliable transmission of data. This work is focused on a class of linear block codes called binary self-complementary codes which contain the all-ones codeword. The construction of binary self-complementary codes and their weight distributions are considered. The Magma Computational Algebra System is used to generate the weight distributions of the best codes in terms of the minimum Hamming distance. General expressions for the Hamming weight distributions of the best codes for small dimensions are derived and the best self-complementary codes are compared with the best possible linear codes based on the minimum Hamming distance.