
Event Details

Virtual Reality Based Prototyping of Mechatronic Multi Agent Systems

Presenter: Jochen Stier - Victoria, Canada

Date: Fri, February 8, 2002
Time: 13:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430


Much of the industrial manufacturing, transportation and avionics equipment produced today is of mechatronic nature; hybrids of mechanics, electronics and software. Developing software for mechatronic devices, let alone cooperating systems of mechatronic devices is challenging and expensive. Many probems are posed by the complex and non-deterministic physical interactions among devices, compounded by a lack of adequate testing and prototyping environments. The focus of this research is to decouple the software development process from the physical hardware by applying virtual reality techniques. Virtual reality enables the rapid visual prototyping of mechatronic devices and their interactions, resulting in a more manageable and cost effective development approach.