
Event Details

Quasi-Switched Boost Integrated Partially Isolated Three Port LCL-T DC-DC Resonant Converters for DC Microgrid

Presenter: Praneydeep Rastogi

Date: Wed, February 23, 2022
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


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Abstract : DC microgrids normally consists of low or medium voltage DC distribution networks via a direct connection or interfacing power converters which allows to provide power to the distributed loads in case of standalone configuration or provide the surplus power to the grid in case of interconnection. This requires many ac-dc, dc-ac and dc-dc conversion stages which tend to reduce the overall efficiency of the system. Multiport converter (MPC) system which comes in the forms of three port, four port or even higher is an effective way for accommodating different kinds of energy sources, and storage systems in a single system which results in lesser power conversion stages. Therefore, a new partially isolated three port LCL-T dc-dc converter and a gating scheme have been proposed   with its two boost inductors, capacitor, and LCL-T resonant network with a HF transformer and output diode rectifier provides quasi switched boost operation for the RES port augmenting the voltage gain and integrating the RES, ESD and the load.

Topic: ECE Graduate Seminar

Time: Feb 23, 2022 10:00 AM Vancouver

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