
Event Details

Large Plasmonic Resonance Shifts from Metal Loss in Slits

Presenter: Zohreh Sharifi

Date: Mon, January 4, 2021
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: ZOOM - Please see below.


Zoom link: 


Meeting ID: 883 6940 2734


Password:  537294


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Summary:  The impact of loss on the plasmonic resonances in metal-insulator-metal slits is analyzed, particularly the significant effect of loss on the reflection phase. The reflection is calculated analytically using the single-mode matching theory with the unconjugated form of the orthogonality relation. This theoretical calculation agrees well with comprehensive simulations, but differs substantially from the conjugated orthogonality result, as was used in past analytical works. This reflection phase has a large impact on the plasmonic resonance wavelengths, which are calculated using a Fabry