
Event Details

Supporting Evolution of Distributed Web Information Systems


Date: Fri, January 25, 2002
Time: 13:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: CIT 110 Centre for Innovative Teaching


Electronic data interchange and Business-to-Business electronic commerce has experienced a rapid growth during the late 90 s. This leads to the emergence of distributed information systems better known as Web information systems. Enterprises, grown from merging independent companies, had to integrate various pre-existing information systems to enable combined effective business processes and collect value information for strategic planning. Often this integration has evolved in an ad-hoc manner and has rarely been planned and documented in a systematic way. Today, enterprises face the problem of maintaining and adapting these systems although many of the systems have become mission-critical for an enterprise's existence.

Consequently, the high complexity and the rapid evolution of Web information systems requires a continuous reengineering process to ensure a consistent documentation for maintenance. Unfortunately, systematic processes and techniques for the reengineering of Web information systems are not available. Most of today s reengineering processes and tools target only the scope of a single system. Such, support for the evolution of these Web information systems become increasingly important.

This talk will outline the results of my Ph.D. research activities achieved so far. After the motivation of this research area, we will have a deeper look into the three pilars of Web information system evolution support, namely reverse engineering integration and maintenance. I will give an overview of each of these pillars and then present one or two more detailed research results obtained so far.

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For further questions, please contact maroc@upb.de